
Adjusting Your Portfolio for Inflation and Rising Rates

June 7, 2022

The mix of high inflation and rising interest rates can create interesting challenges (and opportunities) for investors. This video captures the current situation, and connects you to some potential solutions. To learn more about our investing strategies for inflation and rising rates visit wisdomtree.com/inflation.

What鈥檚 your strategy? For Rising Rates and Inflation

The last time inflation was this high, people were at the disco and bell bottoms were in style. This time, the economy is in post-covid recovery while interest rates are rising.

What鈥檚 more, we believe rates will continue their journey higher, as the Fed makes headlines with ongoing rate hikes.

What鈥檚 your play? Should you be positioning your fixed income portfolio for elevated risk 鈥 and how?

Get our take 91桃色.com/Inflation.