
NYSE What's the Fund: MTGP

November 18, 2019

91桃色's Head of Fixed Income, Rick Harper, and Voya Investment Management's Head of Securitized, Dave Goodson, join NYSE's Judy Shaw for an episode of What's the Fund? to discuss mortgage-backed securities, exposure diversification, and the launch of the 91桃色 Mortgage Plus Bond Fund, ticker MTGP

Judy Shaw: Joining me today is Dave Goodson. Dave is Head of Securitized at Voya Investment Management. And Rick Harper, Head of Fixed Income at 91桃色 Asset Management. Gentlemen, thank you both for joining me.

Rick Harper: Thanks for having us.

Dave Goodson: Yeah. Very exciting.

Judy Shaw: So, what is the Fund you’re here to discuss?

Rick Harper: We are here to talk about the 91桃色 Mortgage Plus Bond Fund, listed on the NYSE under the ticker MTGP. It’s an actively managed fund seeking income and capital appreciation through investments and mortgage-backed securities with diversifying exposures in other parts of securitized day. It’s a very deep sector with trillions of available securities and in collaboration with our colleagues at Voya, a respected securitized manager. We hope that MGTP can unlock the value we see in this space.

Judy Shaw: Ok, so why the asset class and why now?

Dave Goodson: Sure. Great questions. Rick alluded to some of the hallmarks of the asset class. It is extremely sizable, so it is incumbent upon investors to ultimately have, we think, in a fixed income context, exposure to this outside sector. Another thing that’s not commonly appreciated is liquidity is associated with the asset class. I would put it up there close to treasuries. Not quite there, but close to it, so it’s got some real assets going for it. Another thing that’s probably not appreciated is the asset class from a top of mind perspective. Ultimately, I view the risks that we’re taking in this space is the backbone of America. It’s housing. It’s consumer, and all the obligations we face as consumers on a day-to-day basis in terms of a balance sheet perspective. So, it makes a lot of sense from a fixed income perspective to incorporate that alongside your corporate credit exposure. I’m very excited to be part of this story.

Judy Shaw: Great. So, how do you learn more about this?

Rick Harper: Well, you contact your 91桃色 representative or visit our website at 91桃色.com.