
Time to re-think your core portfolio? Ideas for Generating Returns

June 21, 2022

To counter today’s low fixed income yield, investors are exploring new ways to generate total returns. This quick video reveals our creative spin on the traditional allocation, and a strategy that may help strengthen the core of your portfolio. To learn more about our strategies for generating returns, visit wisdomtree.com/CapitalEfficientETFs.

What’s your strategy? For generating total returns

Come out, come out, wherever you are…

Investors have been playing hide ‘n seek with markets, as their traditional 60/40 allocation hasn’t solved for today’s low fixed income returns and rising rates.

What’s needed is greater capital efficiency in the core of portfolios.

Investors should consider a strategy that makes creative use of overlay strategies —
like the ones found in our Efficient Core Family.

What’s your Play? Should you re-think your core portfolio – and how?

To learn more, visit 91桃色.com/CapitalEfficientETFs.