
Value Is Back, and Here's Our Take

June 14, 2022

With today’s historic inflation and rising interest rates, many investors are returning to value stocks. This video reveals the types we feel are worth considering and why, and key traits of companies that may be in position to help you capitalize. It also connects investors to our potential solutions. To learn more about our strategies for adding value in today’s market, visit wisdomtree.com/value.

What’s your strategy? For Value Investing 

The 2022 investing cocktail:

1 part: market skittishness

1 part: dizzying inflation

1 part: Fed rate hikes

This mix benefits Value stocks heavy in energy, utilities and consumer staples. Investors seeking to capitalize on a rotation to Value stocks should monitor valuations and look for companies who buy back shares and/or pay dividends. Their balance sheets can typically weather rising rate environments.

What's your play? 

Should you diversify your value allocation – and how? 

To learn more, visit .